Usually, there are several reasons why people choose gestational surrogacy to expand their family. It is commonly used by couples who cannot conceive naturally due to fertility concerns, among other health problems. However, it is important to understand that it is not only used by couples with infertility but can also be used for other reasons. Therefore, suppose you are interested in expanding your family with Newport Beach gestational surrogacy; understanding why people opt for this method is essential to ensure you are informed before trying it. Below are a few reasons why you might choose gestational surrogacy.
- Infertility
One of the main reasons most people decide to use gestational surrogacy is infertility, where couples have difficulty conceiving. Usually, there are various reasons why an individual or couple may battle with infertility, starting with urethral stricture, low sperm count, pelvic inflammatory disease, or endometriosis. Similarly, you risk developing infertility concerns if you have had surgery due to ectopic pregnancy. In most cases, couples try to conceive knowing either have fertility problems, while others do not know until they seek medical help.
- Couples of the same sex
Naturally, couples of the same sex cannot conceive a child, so they choose gestational surrogacy. The role of surrogate mothers is to help in their journey to parenthood by carrying their babies to term. Recently, surrogacy has become so popular in the LGBT community as a way of beginning a family.
- Structural problems with the uterus
Generally, a non functioning uterus may make it quite challenging for you to sustain a pregnancy to term or conceive. Some of the concerns that might affect the structure of your uterus include fibroids which are noncancerous muscular tissues growing on the wall of your uterus and often causes pain, uterine bleeding, and miscarriages. Similarly, a double uterus or bicornuate, a rare condition when a septum or wall divides the uterus into two, can make it difficult for you to conceive. Another condition that might affect the structure of your uterus is Asherman syndrome due to uterine scarring secondary to previous abdominal surgery.
- Physical concerns
A congenital uterine abnormality or hysterectomy might make birth or pregnancy impossible for some people. A hysterectomy usually makes it difficult for you to conceive. Still, the issue is that most women are not aware of concerns with their uterus that might result in a hysterectomy until later in life. In most cases, people will not know that they have problems with their uterus until after they have tried conceiving for a long time without success. In such a case, gestational surrogacy might be their only option for starting or extending their family.
- Medications
The list of treatments and drugs contraindicated during pregnancy is considerably long. It is also not possible to hold your medications for nine months, especially if you suffer from chronic conditions that can’t allow you to go without treatment.
Other reasons people opt for gestational surrogacy include age, single individuals, personal decisions, and when you cannot carry a baby to term. Therefore, if you have any of the above concerns, it is at OC Fertility that gestational surrogacy is available to solve them. Please get started by calling their offices or scheduling your appointment online.