
What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? -Here’s What You Should Know

What Is Restless Leg Syndrome? -Here’s What You Should Know

Restless leg syndrome, commonly referred to as Willis-Ekbom illness, is a neurological system dysfunction. This condition causes an uncomfortable feeling in the legs, resulting in the need to flex them to alleviate the discomfort. If you have this concern, you might have trouble sleeping or sitting for extended periods, which could lead to additional difficulties in your everyday tasks. While restless leg syndrome El Paso can develop at any age, it worsens as you get older. Luckily, early detection and treatment can alleviate symptoms. Continue reading to learn more.

What Are The Risk Factors And Causes Of Restless Leg Syndrome?

Here are some common risk factors and causes of RLS:

  • Genetics: Family history is a key factor of RLS, particularly if the disorder manifests before age 40.
  • Chemical Imbalance: An asymmetry in the brain’s chemical (dopamine) could trigger RLS.
  • Pregnancy: Some expectant women may experience restless legs syndrome, particularly in the third trimester. The symptoms can momentarily intensify because of hormonal shifts, but they generally subside in a month following delivery.

Additional risk factors for RLS include:

  • Iron Deficiency: This concern primarily results from heavy menses, excessive blood donation, or an intestine or stomach hemorrhage history. Iron deficiency can induce or exacerbate restless legs syndrome.
  • Peripheral Neuropathy: Chronic disorders such as diabetes and alcoholism could harm the nerves within your feet, resulting in restless legs syndrome.
  • Kidney Failure: If your kidneys are not functioning properly, you might suffer from iron shortage and anemia. These illnesses and other chemical shifts within your body could trigger or worsen restless legs syndrome.
  • Spinal Cord Issues: Lesions on the spinal cord can cause RLS if the lesions get irritated or damaged. Injecting an anesthetic into the spinal cord also increases the likelihood of suffering the condition.

What Are The Common Symptoms of RLS

The primary symptom of this illness is a need to move the legs. Nonetheless, other symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Nighttime leg kicking and twitching
  • The sensation comes after long periods of sleeping or sitting and worsens in the evening or at night

These uncomfortable sensations may occur on both sides of your body. The severity of the symptoms might vary and sometimes even disappear. Some of the sensations to expect in your limbs include:

  • Throbbing
  • Aching
  • Pulling
  • Crawling
  • Creeping
  • Itching

The sensations could be hard to define, and patients typically compare them to numbness or cramping. Persons with RLS frequently express a desire to flex their legs.

How To Diagnose RLS

Dr. Atur Kasha will examine your prevailing symptoms and check your health history. Your diagnosis is depended on the symptoms you experience and the variables listed below:

  • Along with a desire to flex your legs, you have uncomfortable sensations
  • Your symptoms start or worsen during sleep or at night
  • An urge that is partially or momentarily suppressed by activities like stretching and walking
  • Symptoms are not associated with another behavioral or medical condition

Your physician can conduct a neurological and physical exam to establish other potential reasons for your symptoms or a blood test to screen for iron deficiency.

Restless Leg Syndrome could negatively impact your health and often induce sleeplessness and associated concerns like depression. Therefore, you should not hesitate to consult a specialist immediately if you identify warning signs of this condition. At Desert West Vein & Surgery Center, you can access various care solutions, including medications, foot wraps, routine exercise, and more. Schedule a consultation through mobile or book online to explore the care options available.

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